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Software Architect

Let's connect

Who am I?

I'm Alfredo, founder at Tráeme

From México, I have been a software developer for more than 13 years and I have participated in many projects on different areas such as telecommunications, automotive, medicine, education, e-commerce and more.

I like to help companies solve their problems, contribute with the open source Dev community.









Here's what I'm good at

These are the services I offer

development icon

Web Development

Enhance automation and streamline your business processes efficiently and effectively

Mobile Application icon

Mobile Development

Give you instant access to the information you need, putting it at your fingertips quickly

Graphic Design icon

Web Design

Stand out online with elegant, intuitive and custom web designs that captivate your audience

Check out my Portfolio

Here are my projects and experiences

Universidad Construrama Tráeme Mora Car Detail Master Muñoz Emanuel Autopartes AS Comediantes Auto Global

My work experience

Here's my professional background

  1. Connectivity Solutions > Software Architect

    Leader of the Developer team that created the monitoring software for the company

  2. Gericare > Software Architect

    Leader of the IT team that creates applications, websites and ERP software for the company

  3. Traeme > CEO

    Founder of company and creator of all architecture of app

  4. Vialux > Software Architect

    Leader of the Developer team that created the ERP software for the company

  5. Tecnológico de Monterrey > Full Stack Developer

    Full stack developer than created responsive templates for courses by ITESEM

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Awards won

icon happy clients


Happy clients

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Finished projects

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Created modules

Check out my latest posts!

I also like to write

Python script as a service on Ubuntu 22
To run a Python script as a service on Ubuntu, you can use systemd and service...
Clone repo SSH from GitHub to Ubuntu EC2 AWS
We learning to generate SSH key in Ubuntu 22 and create deploy key in GitHub...
Clone repo SSH from GitLab to Ubuntu EC2 AWS
We learning to generate SSH key in Ubuntu 22 and create deploy key in GitLab...
Send Telegram Notifications with Laravel 9
We will learn how to send notifications via Telegram with Laravel 9...
How to Install Laravel Valet package on Mac
We will learn how to configure your development environment on Mac in 5 minutes...
Create Authentication API with Laravel 7
We learning to create a authentication system with API Laravel Authentication...

Contact me

Have Any Questions?

Feel free to contact me for any questions or clarifications
I'm here to provide assistance and support.

© Copyright 2024. All right reserved, Alfredo Barrón.